
SKK Board of Directors


PresidentRamesh Muniswamy
SecretaryAjay Chandrasekhar
TreasurerGanesh Murthy
Board of DirectorNarasimha Murthy
Board of DirectorVallabha Tantry
Board of DirectorSridhar Nivarty
Board of DirectorGiri Gowdar
Board of DirectorVeeresh Mathad

Please click on the name of the board member to reach them by Email.

SKK Board of members are responsible for the formation of yearly working committee, finances, sponsorships and new SKK initiatives.

Please reach out to President of SKK's board of directors or any other members if you have questions or comments to SKK in general.
Board: Narasimha Murthy, Giri Gowdar, Ajay Chandra, Veeresh Mathad, Ramesh Muniswamy, Ganesh Murthy, Vallabha Tantri